Residential Roofing

Need to Know When it's Time to Replace Your Roof?

The Roofing Guys are the residential roofing experts in Mequon, Ozaukee, or Washington County, Wisconsin. Here, we can show you some signs that will help you identify when it is time to replace your roof:

Roofing Replacement:

Look out for these signs:

-Damaged shingles.

-Mold growth.

-High energy bills.

-Inconsistent temperatures in your attic.

-Damaged shingles.

-Mold growth.

-High energy bills.

-Inconsistent temperatures in your attic.

Extensively damaged shingles, mold growth, and high bills can indicate wear and tear, water damage, or improper ventilation. If your attic is consistently hotter or colder than outside, it might also mean poor ventilation, leading to ice dams, roof blisters, or peeling paint. In some cases, a complete roof replacement might be the best solution to prevent further damage and costs. Call 414-405-7735 for a free estimate!

Roof workers | Mequon, WI | Roofing Guys
Tab styled asphalt roof shingles | Mequon, WI | Roofing Guys

Roofing Repair

Roofing repair | Mequon, WI | Roofing Guys
Repairing of roof | Mequon, WI | Roofing Guys

Look Out for These Signs:

Water leakage | Mequon, WI | Roofing Guys

- Leaks or water damage.

Air quality | Mequon, WI | Roofing Guys

- Poor indoor air quality.

Noise | Mequon, WI | Roofing Guys

- Unusual noises coming from appliances.

House temperature | Mequon, WI | Roofing Guys

- Uneven temperatures in your home. 

Here Are Some Reasons Why Repairing a Damaged Roof Is Essential:

Protection from the Elements:

A damaged roof can allow rainwater, snow, and other factors to penetrate your home. This can cause water damage, mold growth, and even structural damage to your home.

Energy Efficiency:

A damaged roof can also cause air leaks, making your home less energy-efficient. This can result in higher energy bills and a less comfortable living space. 


A damaged roof can be a safety hazard. It can lead to falling debris or even collapse in extreme cases.

Home Value:

A damaged roof can decrease the value of your home. A well-maintained roof is an essential factor in determining the value of a property.

In summary, repairing a damaged roof is essential for your home's safety, comfort, and value. Addressing any issues immediately is best to avoid further damage and costly repairs. Trust Roofing Guys for your roofing projects!

Ready to make a change? Call 414-405-7735, and let's get started.

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